Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Centered on Spiritual Reality: An Advocacy Project
Above the physical footprints of the human form, the voice of God, His breath, His Covenant and His holy decrees are the evidence, the irrevocable proof of Gods indelible path, His footprints upon this land. The act of making a land acknowledgement , while honorable and respectful may not elevate the discourse above the material realm.
An alternative advocated in this presentation is to honor the legacy / footsteps of the holy ones who walked and taught the universal golden rule upon this land thousands of years ago. In some areas embraced by the teachings of well-known messengers such as; The Peace Maker, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Sweet Medicine, Mother Corn etc., it will be less research intensive to identify their unifying universal teachings. The widespread Lakota moccasin design motif of the buffalo track for example, represents the individual’s aspiration to follow in the holy ways the White Buffalo Calf Woman marked out for us. These footprints symbolize or represent God’s universal teachings. These tracks trace us all back to one source and lead us to one common destiny. They are the path that connects us to all of humanity and the proof that God authorized chosen holy souls to walk upon this side of the planet and create the one path that will unite us all. In a land acknowledgment centered on spiritual reality, a mention of the presence of these great ones can be made and a joint pledge can be offered in their honor to continued peace and goodwill.
This practice will affirm those universal principles and teachings that enable us all to abide beneath shade of the tree of life and to walk the straight path together.